An overview of the previous editions and the new series Angélique: L'Intégrale and Version d'Origine

Because of the fact that the Angélique series of Anne Golon has been published by more than 320 publishers, in 63 countries and has been translated into almost equally large number of languages, it is almost impossible to compile a complete bibliography. Therefore we decided for our purposes to state the year and the original title of the first edition in France, and then the editions of English versions derived of that. The first 10 books have been adapted into English while numbers 11-13 are still awaiting translation.
In the second column on this page, there is a shedule of the gradual publishing of complete and substantially extended series of Angélique: L'Intégrale (about 25 books), examples of the book covers of renewed edition Angélique: Version d’Origine and other literary works by Anne and Serge Golon.

Angélique: L'Intégrale

The book series of Angélique L'Intégrale becomes for the readers a major event because there have been made the countless unauthorized modifications in old editions of Angélique series (the most significant changes have been made in the last volumes). Since April 2006, there was worldwide initiated new, progressive publication of the novel series Angélique, Edition L'Intégrale. Anne Golon recasts all the Angélique books which have been edited and shortened by their publishers. The complete Angélique series are now finally introduced in new, unabridged and fundamentally improved version. These revised books should have been released in the years 2006-2011, however, there are the time shifts because of copyright legal issues.

Angélique: Version d'Origine

It is sometimes referred to as the original or full version. This edition is associated with the release of the new movie Angélique in cinemas, including the use of movie images for the book cover. This is the "original manuscript" (manuscript of the first part of 1956 and then manuscripts of the following year), or the original version that was published in the very first years of 1957 to 1985, even without any corrections and cuts. The names of the books in this series are entirely consistent with the known former editions. This series comes from the end of 2013.

The original editions (1957 - 2000)
The complete edition of Angélique: L‘Intégrale

1957 Angélique, Marquise des Anges

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Angélique - Marquise des Anges. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1956.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique (part 1 + 2 in one volume). London: William Heinemann, 1959.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique (part 1 + 2 in one volume). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1959.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique (part 1 + 2 in one volume). New York: Bantam Books, 1960.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique, The Marquise of the Angels. London: PAN Major, 1961.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique, The Marquise of the Angels. North Kingstown: Chivers North America, 1995.
Golon, Anne. Angélique, The Marquise of the Angels. Thorndike: G.K. Hall & Co., 1995.

1958 Angélique, Le Chemin de Versailles

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Angélique – Le chemin de Versailles. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1958.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique (part 1 + 2 in one volume). London: William Heinemann, 1959.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique (part 1 + 2 in one volume). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1959.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique (part 1 + 2 in one volume). New York: Bantam Books, 1960.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique, The Road to Versailles. London: PAN Giant, 1961.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique, The Road to Versailles. North Kingstown: Chivers North America, 1996.
Golon, Anne. Angélique, The Road to Versailles. Thorndike: G.K. Hall & Co., 1997.

1959 Angélique et le Roy

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Angélique et le Roy. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1959.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the King. London: William Heinemann, 1960.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the King. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1960.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the King. New York: Bantam Books, 1961.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the King. London: PAN Major, 1963.

1960 Indomptable Angélique

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Indomptable Angélique. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1960.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the Sultan. London: William Heinemann, 1961.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique in Barbary. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1961.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique in Barbary. New York: Bantam Books, 1963.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the Sultan. London: PAN Books, 1963.

1961 Angélique se révolte

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Angélique se révolte. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1960.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique in Revolt. London: William Heinemann, 1962.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique in Revolt. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1963.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique in Revolt. New York: Bantam Books, 1964.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique in Revolt. London: PAN Books, 1964.

1961 Angélique et son Amour

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Angélique et son amour. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1961.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique in Love. London: William Heinemann, 1963.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique in Love. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1964.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique in Love. New York: Bantam Books, 1966.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique in Love. London: PAN Books, 1965.

1967 Angélique et le Nouveau Monde

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Angélique et le Nouveau Monde. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1967.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Countess Angélique. London: William Heinemann, 1967.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Countess Angélique. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1968.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Countess Angélique. New York: Bantam Books, 1969.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Countess Angélique. Toronto: PAN Books, 1968.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Countess Angélique, book 1 – In the Land of the Redskin. London: PAN Books, 1969.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Countess Angélique, book 2 – Prisoner of the Mountains. London: PAN Books, 1969.

1969 La Tentation d'Angélique

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. La tentation d'Angélique. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1969.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Temptation of Angélique. London: William Heinemann, 1969.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Temptation of Angélique. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1970.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Temptation of Angélique. New York: Bantam Books, 1971.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Temptation of Angélique, book 1 – The Jesuit Trap. London: PAN Books, 1971.
Golon, Sergeanne. The Temptation of Angélique, book 2 – Gold Beard’s Downfall. London: PAN Books, 1971.

1972 Angélique et la Démone

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Angélique et la démone. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1972.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the Demon. London: William Heinemann, 1973.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the Demon. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1973.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the Demon. New York: Bantam Books, 1975.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the Demon. London: PAN Macmillan, 1975.

1976 Angélique et le Complot des Ombres

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Angélique et le Complot des Ombres. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1976.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the Ghosts. London: William Heinemann, 1977.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the Ghosts. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1978.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the Ghosts. New York: Bantam Books, 1979.
Golon, Sergeanne. Angélique and the Ghosts. London: PAN Macmillan, 1979.

1980 Angélique à Québec

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Angélique à Québec. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1980.
(not yet translated)

1984 Angélique, la Route de l'Espoir

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. Angélique, la Route de l'Espoir. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1984.
(not yet translated)

1985 La Victoire d'Angélique

Golon, Anne – Golon, Serge. La Victoire d'Angélique. Paris: Opera Mundi, 1985.
(not yet translated)

Marquise des Anges

Marquise des Anges, The Marquise of the Angels
Mariage Toulousain (La Fiancée Vendue), The Marriage in Toulouse
(The Bartered Fiancée)
Fêtes Royales, The Royal Fêtes
Le Supplicié de Notre Dame, The Executed Man of Notre Dame
(known as The Doomed Man of Notre Dame)

Le Chemin de Versailles

Ombres et Lumières dans Paris, The Shadows and the Lights in Paris
Le Chemin de Versailles, The Road to Versailles

Angélique et le Roy

La Guerre en Dentelles, The War in Laces
Angélique et le Roy, Angélique and the King

Indomptable Angélique

Indomptable Angélique, The Indomitable Angélique
(known as Angélique and the Sultan/Angélique in Barbary)

Angélique se Révolte

Angélique se Révolte, Angélique in Revolt

Angélique et son Amour

Angélique et son Amour, Angélique and her Love
(known as Angélique in Love)

Le Nouveau Monde

Le Nouveau Monde - 1, The New World 1
Le Nouveau Monde - 2, The New World 2
(known as The Countess Angélique)

La Tentation d'Angélique

La Tentation d'Angélique, The Temptation of Angélique

Angélique et la Démone

Angélique et la Démone, Angélique and the Demon

Angélique et le Complot des Ombres

Angélique et le Complot des Ombres, Angélique and the Conspiracy of Shadows (known as Angélique and the Ghosts)

Angélique à Quebec

Angélique à Québec - 1, Angélique in Québec 1
Angélique à Québec - 2, Angélique in Québec 2
Angélique à Québec - 3, Angélique in Québec 3

Angélique et la Route de l'Espoir

La Route de l'Espoir, The Road of the Hope

Angélique et sa Victoire

Angélique et sa Victoire - 1, Angélique and her Victory 1
Angélique et sa Victoire - 2, Angélique and her Victory 2

Le Royaume de France

Le Royaume de France - 1, The Kingdom of France 1
Le Royaume de France - 2, The Kingdom of France 2
Le Royaume de France - 3, The Kingdom of France 3

The renewed edition of Angélique: Version d'Origine

2021-2022: Publisher Pocket, France

2021: Publisher l'Archipel, France

2013-2017: Publisher l'Archipel, France

2013-2018: Publisher Azbuka, Russia

2015-2016: Publisher Čarobna Knjiga, Serbia

The edition of the other works of Anne & Serge Golon
Joëlle Danterne: Au Pays de Derrière Mes Yeux (2008)
Joëlle Danterne: Master Kouki (2009)
Joëlle Danterne: Le Caillou d'Or (2010)
Joëlle Danterne: La Patrouille des St Innocents (2010)
Joëlle Danterne: La Dame Blanche de Kermala (2011)
Joëlle Danterne: Alerte au Tchad (2012)
Anne et Serge Golon: Les Géants du Lac (2012)
Anne et Serge Golon: Le Coeur des Bêtes Sauvages T.1 (2012)
Anne et Serge Golon: Le Coeur des Bêtes Sauvages T.2 (2012)
Serge Golon: Le Cadeau de Riza Kan (2012)