Vlasne vam dlzim preklad,
niekedy zabudam ze nie kazdy vie po Anglicky
Najak sa mi proste nezadalo ze by si pani AG ten Katarunk celkom vymyslela...ale tiez
sa mi nezdalo ze by sa na zaciatku slova pisal v anglictine z "K"
Takze co som zatial objavila k miestu leziacemu v Maine zvanom "Catarunk" ???
Tuto je clanok z ktoreho som v predchadzajucom prispevku citovala:
http://ezinearticles.com/?Taking-the-Ro ... id=1041014
Myslim ze tato odporucana vyletna trasa sa pohybuje presne tam kde sa pohybovali
Angelika a Joffrey, takze som si pre tych ktorych to zaujima dovolila prelozit:
Cross-country road trip from the US to Canada.
One of the interesting road trips you can plan is the trip
from Maine to Quebec. There are scenic vistas along the way, which you'll miss on an ordinary jet flight. One is the Old Canada Road Scenic Byway which was the route of ancient travelers.
The US segment (Rt 201) is a winding road bordering the
Kennebec River, Dead River, and Wyman Lake. You have a day to enjoy the scenic byway, something you'll never experience if you don't take to the road again. Along this route, there are several recreational spots where you can stop for a drink or two.
Along the Way
The next stop would be Catarunk in Maine where you can head to the famous Appalachian Trail. To enjoy the experience, set your foot on the trail and hike along the way and luxuriate in the scenic sights and breathe in the fresh air. The experience is just exhilarating and gives you a connection to the past and to Mother Nature.
Other places that can fill your travel diary are the picturesque villages of Solon and Bingham and the allure of
Moxie Falls. In summer, join the throng lining up for river-rafting trips from Jackman to Moose River and in winter have fun snowmobiling in powdery snow. If you're not the type for physically draining activities, you can sit back and relax and take pictures of the surroundings.
Article Source:
Vylet autom z USA do Kanady.
One of the interesting road trips you can plan is the trip frojeden zo zaujimavych vyletov je
vylet z Maine to Quebecu. naskytnu sa ti po ceste stylove sceny, ktore by sa tvojmu zraku nikdy nenaskytli ak by si letel lietadlom. jedna z takych ciest je Old Canada Road Scenic Byway ktora bola putnou cestou pradavnych usadlikov.
Cesta „The US segment (Rt 201)“ veterna cesta popri brehoch
Kennebec River, Dead River, and Wyman Lake. Ak mate cas vychutnajte si pobreznu cestu zo stylovym vyhladom, nieco co nikdy nikde inde nezazijete a neuvidite. Po ceste je dost odpocivadiel na ktorych sa mozete zastavit na drink (zaujimave ze toto je tip na vylet autom, a uz na zaciatku clanku sa vravi o plechovkach z pivom na sedadle pre spolujazdca a potom o drinkoch ha ha
, nuz ! „Amies“ )
Po ceste
Dalsou zastavkou bude Catarunk in Maine kde sa mozete pustit na „famous Appalachian Trail“ – preslavenu stezku/cestu Apalacov. Vychutnajte si tu skusonost a poberte sa pesi po slavnej stezke. Vychutnajte si nadherne scenerie a nadychajte sa trochu cerstveho vzduchu. Budete mat zaujimavy zazitok, kotrym akokeby ste sa spojili z minulostou a znovu prepojili z matkou prirodou.
Dalsie miesta ktore mozu zaplnit vas cestovny dennink su dediny Solon and Bingham a Moxie Falls (Moxie vodopady).
V lete si mozete uzit na riekach rafting trips (splavovanie) z Jackman to Moose River a v zime sa mozete povozit na snowmobile v praskovom snehu.
Pre tych ktori by sa nahodou ocitli v Maine a cheli by si trosku zapochodovat:
Appalachian Trail in Maine Hiking