Who said in a particular situation

Over the lifetime of this site, there captivated and charmed us so many quotes in the books! The following quiz summarizes the quotations which relate directly to the current situation from which they were extracted.

However, is it possible so easy to reveal from a few words, which situation and, most importantly, - whom the extract relates to?

Illustrative image: Peter Paul Rubens - The Education of Marie de' Medici, 1622-24
Author of the quiz: Dagmar Šeráková, Kateřina Václavíková

1. "Well may you laugh! One of there days you'll have less to laugh about for he will take her away from you, that I warrant."
François d'Arreboust
Brother Mark
Lieutenant Pont-Briand
Father Quentin

2. "How beautiful you are! I cannot live without you. When I am away from you my strength drains from me as from a wound. You cannot leave me now."
Louis XIV
Prince Rakoczy
Nicholas de Bardagne
Colin Paturel

3. "You are being evasive, Monsieur. He who sought to achieve Knowledge unaided and to his own glory, what a fate was his! Like the sorcerer's apprentice, he lost control over that Knowledge and brought about the destruction of the Universe."
Philippe de Guérande
Baron de Saint-Castine
Jean Carlon
Joffrey de Peyrac

4. "You see I could not possibly give that charming creature up yet. But later... it seems an interesting idea… There you have Morgan, the greatest pirate and plunderer of our time, and today he is Governor of Jamaica, and I can assure you that he does not trifle with law and order there, and even princes bare their heads to him. I feel I am that sort of a man too. Less stupid than I look, you know!"
Roland d'Urville
Gilles Vaneireick
Aristide Beaumarchand
Mezzo Morte

5. "Pious! Yes indeed. I have to be something, since I am dead all over. I've found nothing else to help me to survive! Praying, being pious, busying myself about feligious matters... You laugh at my devout practices, don't you? You cannot understand..."
Françoise Scarron
Marguerite Bourgeois
Ambroisine de Maudribourg

6. "No need to tie him up. We'll just tie a stone round his neck and chuck him in the river. That'll be one of them dealth with, at any rate!"
Aristide Beaumarchand
Marquis d‘Escranville
Accomplices of the Count de Varange
Zalile, "Brother" of Ambroisine

7. "I'm glad I can be of some use to you. Your plight worried me, but there was nothing I could do, was there? Now, just keep your hipes up."
Nicholas de Bardagne
Monsieur Rochat
Joffrey de Peyrac
François Desgrez

8. "But you do not know yourself well. You will only have to appear..." He pressed the point: "You see yourself in the past, but you are unaware of your present strength."
Joffrey de Peyrac
Osman Faraji
Monsieur Molines
Louis XIV

9. "I wonder if the Golden Voice of the Kingdom won't lose its highest note on her account."
Marquis d'Andijos
Baron Cerbalaud
Chevalier de Germontaz
Péguilin de Lauzun

10. "I belive that, when one knows him well, one perceives that he is much less nice than he appears. But when one knows him better, one perceives that he is much nicer that he appears."
Ninon de Lenclos
Marie-Agnès de Sancé
Françoise Scarron
Angélique de Peyrac

11. "What do your lameness and your scars matter in the eyes of the women you have loved, compared with the gifts you've bestowed upon them?"
Carmencita de Mérecourt
Angélique de Peyrac
Sabine de Castel-Morgeat
Bérangère-Aimée de La Vaudiére

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